I just finished up with dealing with those tenants upstairs oh gosh okay what did they say don’t even bother go check the bottom unit and then just get out of there really yeah yeah all right i’m going to run and run out is this worth like i could park here yeah so you go around the back oh okay there’s a back yeah one right um next to this dealership okay cool and then just go through the back door bro i’m surprised you’re still here bro i’ve been cussing with this side i’m going back and forth that’s crazy yo guys are going back and forth to this guy wow i should be in confidence right now wow [Music] [Music] okay okay so this is shared laundry new windows which is good i’m gonna have to renovate this for sure [Music] it’s not horrible it actually looks decent [Music] actually looks decent so we got two bedrooms all right two bedrooms it needs to be painted the floors can survive we’ll decide if we’re gonna rip it out or not i’m sure they have the vent right in the middle of the floorright in the middle you got a car dealer right there this can be a storefront this looks like it used to be a storefront it used to be commercial which is good we’re in hamilton so usually hamilton has these really low basements i’m guessing this is probably one of them as well the dungeon just watch your stuff anytime we come to these yeah oh you know what this is fresh this is fresh first thing i do is i smell it smells musty i look for water usually with these type of foundations they call them i don’t know brick foundations i guess like right now foundation is poured concrete this is brick so usually when you have brick over time it deteriorates and then water starts getting in water penetration right um but i don’t smell anything like it’s crazy but typically these homes have what you call wet basements right this is this would be a prime example if it was wet of a wet basement done already which is great looks clean as well super warm down there this furnace looks brand new windows look pretty new you could even tell they before they put the window and they leveled it off so can this be renovated um no this is more the structure of the basement or structure of the home so i want to make sure down here is solid because they say you can’t build a house on sand right you’ve got to build on a solid rock apparently so the foundation’s got to be sound for the rest of the house to be tampered with let’s see [Music] [Music] see you i’ll see you in about like an hour okay cool all right later all right okay let’s go get some food started right now shop time i was actually gonna go in the office but um i say i realize i don’t have anything to do so like i mean there’s stuff to do but nothing that’s more important than me eating right now um my next appointment’s downtown at five o’clock so i don’t really have to go to the office right now i think we could eat and then after that i’ll just go straight downtown because we are 2 37 right now to 38. so i’ll do that check the mailbox go now so many so that’s the deal right you know other than now everything is just neutral and natural it’s just gonna be about maybe like 10 minutes of conversation okay that’s right just be yourself like there’s no script to it it sounds like a plan it sounds like my regular life sounds good all right remember that one when i was typing and then i’m like oh yeah ready right now okay all right i think it was on the focus once yeah what’s going on bro what are you saying bro ohi’m just here y’all you know putting that work in man i see you i see you look like look like you have some important work to do today i’ll show it to you if you come with me i’ll show it to you and you know i could take a look at it and see what’s good yeah it’s a nice spot well i think i’m done recording great for networking yeah because i have nothing else 

The Hamilton project I Cory McNaught

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