Okay so a lot of people they’ve been asking me where this real estate market is going i wish i could tell you where it’s going i wish i had a crystal ball in my car where i could just pull it out start rubbing it and i’ll be like the market is going to go up next year it’s going to go down next year i don’t know where the market’s going to be tomorrow i don’t even know where it’s going to be next week i don’t even know where it’s going to be next month i don’t even know where it’s going to be next year for that matter okay here we go do you know where the stock market’s going to be next week is it going to go up or is it going to go down how about your cryptocurrency what i can tell you is that if you’re a seller the market is extremely hot right now maybe if you’re interested in selling you should list your property because you’re going to get top dollar if you’re a buyer might not work out so well for you however your time is also going to come so what i would do in your position i’d sit watch the market see what your future goals are start planning your life out start planning your future out if you don’t have any goals put your goals in place we spoke about this early in 2021 january go watch my other videos get your goals on point today so you could have a better future and a better tomorrow can we do this can we get in check can we put this in action it’s the only way you’re gonna succeed in life let’s do it today anyways i’ll be back a few moments later okay guys all right let’s tone it down just a little bit okay my actual thoughts on the market i just had to get that off my chest my actual thoughts on the market um the toronto market is slightly cooling down prices are still rising though which is crazy it is the spring markets we’re going to start seeing a lot more inventory come on the market which is good for buyers you know it might help the prices stabilize a little bit hopefully however again we just have to watch the market and see where it goes hopefully things correct itself so it could be a market for buyers as well so those are my thoughts if you have any questions feel free to contact us cory mcnaughton on instagram uh cormac not the realtor cormac not on youtube and remember please subscribe and like the video if you want to see some more of these videos now i’m really gone for good

Public Service Announcement I Cory McNaught

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