All right let’s see if we can find the gas meter right there perfect[Applause] look at that you got keys all right let’s take a look at this spot see how it looks  nope i smell something maybe they have a pet see when i look at this house and i look at the previous one for the price 10 grand less for that one because this one even if you get it for 369. so 379 you still gotta tear it all down neighbors are nice nice and far away that’s what’s that’s what’s nice about it they got the they got the homegrown we got the homegrown going on the neighbors next door  he’s using the blue bins to do it   recycling bins    he’s a great neighbor     i think what he want what he had it  before i think he said 370 what do you say 389 and then i think he got an offer around this number and he didn’t take it and now he’s probably kicking himself so all right guys can we post it yeah we might talk okay think about it let me know next appointment is that one o’clock so we might actually have a little time to kill um and in that little time to kill i might actually be able to do a little work too we’ll see how it goes it’s not that you know all right i’m gonna have this protein bar right now put some gas in the tank this guy never wears a seatbelt this guy needs a car with an automatic seat belt you know that actually existed once really oh yeah back in the days i think it was like toyota corollas and little japanese cars there were a couple cars that had an automatic seatbelt so so what happened was there would be this electronic thing on here right so when you get in the car the electronic thing is right over here and your seat belt is like kind of far away from you and then as soon as you sit down and start the car put in drive the electronic thing pulls the belt right behind you and your seatbelt time yeah pretty crazy you need one of those cars you need one of those bro you gotta be forgetting to put a seatbelt on every time you drive the car see my old car what happened was the seatbelt was it wasn’t broken and the buckle kept falling because the guy who had it before he broke it so like i can’t you just never thought of getting it fixed you didn’t think it was safe you didn’t think you needed it oh there’s a fly in here is there a flyer want to get rid of hi i’m not a fly guy i promise you i’m not a flyer he looks like he’s dead yeah i flicked it oh he’s dead don’t go on the vent don’t go in the vent ah i flicked him right in the vent i don’t even know how to use that part oh it’s uh when you put your defogger on oh yeah it’s on right now he’s either gonna get cooked fried or cooled out frozen well something’s gonna happen there oh yeah we’re gonna die in there  i have no no idea what you guys are saying help us out here  grab some quick lunch at paluteri uh winery niagara on the lake this place is so beautiful the air is fresh i just love being out here i was out here with my wife about two weeks ago three weeks ago we had a blast date three days if you are if you’re looking for somewhere to go just to get away from the day or even for the weekend beautiful place to come um i mean just take a look at the scenery there’s wineries everywhere vineyards all over the place you’ll take that with you for your food awesome and the girls will have your drinks up in just a second sounds great yes please that’s right thank you  all right so uh we have another property that we’re gonna see this is an investment property located in niagara um apparently it’s like we have a fall somewhere in downtown so i guess we’ll assume we get there right now we have like an hour to kill so we’re actually at military winery just gonna grab a quick sangria we’re grabbing some pizza a quick lunch also got to get some of that high quality h2o before the next showing and if you ever come here to grab some food if you have pizza you must try their hot oil it’s really good so um yeah we’re just gonna grab some food real quick hit the road again and see what’s good should be a fun da looking at this investment property in niagara falls right now um it’s really good price has three units um right now this is the kitchen kitchen area there’s a deck that walks up to the back gives it its own separate entrance so you have a front entrance and back entrance this entrance leads to the backyard  this is another bedroom so this unit has two bedrooms pretty decent in good shape here you have your living room area if you really wanted to you could even turn this unit into three bedrooms easily all day long um and here’s bedroom number two if you turn this into three bedrooms then you get increase in rent right instead of charging let’s say 1100 1200 now you can charge like 13 14 15. this is awesome this is awesome versus right  not regular jewels so we’ll see how this looks i guess they’re not done it’s a way for them to finish up yeah we saw the bachelor we’re just waiting to see the front so once they come out we’re gonna go and take a look okay oh yeah i gotta see that as well okay awesome thanks cobwebs and spider webs is it hideous i need to check the values in the area that’s what i gotta do because property like this you have to see what the arv is after repair value if this worth 500 grand after affairs all day long do you want to eat again we could eat again and then go golf or we could golf and then eat after wha  do you thinkum what are you down with what’s going to go for how long is no fake bro i could take an hour or two what time is it no are you hungry right now  well the next tea time is 3 30 3 3 4 so we still got two hours regardless okay so we’ll go find something to eat i’ll book the 342 we’ll run that real quick i don’t even know what street this is anymore bro can’t remember clifton hill is over there i don’t know  what street this is oh we made a left right yeah i made a left um this is uh i can’t remember the name of it well yeah we out here we’re at um italian restaurant getting some food starving as usual just finished looking at a property investment property we’re on victoria avenue that’s where we are yeah i saw an investment property it looks really good something to possibly submit an offer on i have to check the values on it for sure to see if it’s even worth it and see what you would come out with at the end of the day but the flight here is crazy they got like gold cards going on over here they got hotels all over the place people walking up and down like it is packed down here but it feels good to know that everyone’s outside feels good to know everyone’s enjoying themselves people can still do that you know this whole coven 19 corona virus thing i think we’ve had the lowest numbers and since this thing started and you know everyone’s coming out and enjoying themselves you know you just have to be careful at the same time take your necessary precautions and um don’t just proceed with life no life doesn’t stop there life goes on um we can take the mask off as well if you want oh yeah i have no idea just so used to having it on now and at one point in life i wasn’t used to having it on at all so it’s kind of perfect right now so we’re gonna go tee off of number one be good to go number one is this side i believe usually there’s a starter someone tells you where to start and i don’t see that evidently so i guess i guess we just do we just go oh so what we’re doing right now is um i grabbed a couple tees that way i can uh i like to just keep what i’m playing with in my pockets i don’t need like phones or anything else credit cards car keys none of that stuff in my in my in my pockets while i’m playing so i put all that away just play the game so let’s grab some teas what i tee off with i really wish  um okay we’ll be all right how’s that look not too shabby my friend not too shabby let’s do it how about that this is golf bro this is gone this is golf

Client property viewings – PART 2 – Cory McNaught

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