so it’s tax time it’s almost about that time it’s time to file t4s and t4a’s just trying to find out where to send it to so we’re going to send this to this address right here and the government’s going to have everything they need and we should be good to go [Music] why not just write it on envelope marty here how’s the process yeah tedious and a headache and i don’t like it but it’s not a hard process you know you have to send a registered mail a lot and all that stuff so definitely make it i’ll pay to make it happen we’re actually gonna head out shortly if you’re okay with that no i’m gonna start doing i’m starting to talk to my camera guy more often because people seem to like this guy yesterday i’m playing a video right and my kids don’t really watch much tv anymore they just watch corey videos so it’s like i’m watching these videos and i’m like where can i improve how does this look how does that look so your advice is don’t hire anybody do everything yourself oh no that’s not my advice hire people hire as much as you can the more you hire the less work you have to do i’m gonna go get this printout we’ll hit the road for a little bit today i know it’s been a little while but you know you know how we do all right so this i need this this is perfect i’m not sure yet still trying to figure that out still can’t figure it out but we will you know i like to be spontaneous at least i don’t want papers to blow away this time oh shoot remember that walk outside and all the papers disappear probably one of my funniest videos i gotta be completely honest with you guys um i know at the third this year i said what we need to do is uh go through this like challenge where you go as crazy as you can or what i it’s like the 2021 challenge right i haven’t even lived up to my work i’ve been doing stuff like i’ve been moving and shaking out here you know i’ve been doing okay reality situation is in the grand scheme of thing i haven’t been going as hard as i can like i’ve really just been watching the market taking it as it comes i don’t know it’s been it’s been an interesting run i must say so far it’s definitely different here maybe the reason why i feel this way is because uh where are you going like people don’t indicate anymore they just turn so maybe the reason i put this way where’s my sunglasses raft there’s a problem right now leave me with me with uh confidential performance so this me i’m going to today it’s like one of my good good good connects and i probably won’t put in my camera either like you know you’re going in these meetings what what’s your approach like do you ask them straight up what you need or no what i do when i go into meetings or when i meet someone it’s people are going to want to deal with you because you’re building relationships right you know they see the type of business that you own they see what you do they see what you’re capable of however the most important part about any business dealing is building the relationship anyone who’s in business knows this any sales person knows this right especially if you want to develop long-term relationships or long-term business or repeat clientele you have to build that relationship if you don’t build a relationship why would i even want to deal with you every business is paid off based off relationships every friendship is based off a relationship like it always starts somewhere right and you have to develop that relationship way before you’re even thinking about money money is like i feel like if money is supposed to end up with you it will end up with you at the end of the day i don’t think you need to force that envelope there’s nothing wrong with being aggressive but aggressive goes to a certain extent when you’re in sales and you’re trying to get the listing or whatnot you know you got to be aggressive because you go up against like three four five other guys however when it comes to building relationships you’re just building a relationship you don’t have to be aggressive about that relationship i don’t like when people are aggressive with me today i called i think was like one of those furnace companies to cancel someinsurance that they had you know she was doing her thing she asked me a couple times why do you want to cancel said i just want to cancel we don’t want it is there another company that you’re with yeah with that company oh is it a cheaper cup it’s like look woman now you’re just getting now i just i just want to cancel like what we’re gonna do is before we go to this other spot stop and chop to see if they got my sunglasses because obviously no one’s asking the phone after that we’ll make another move [Music] i feel like those are the quarterback not sunglasses like these ones right here those are proper style i can’t even li i want to say these are my favorite pairs but it’s kind of hard to determine that okay so we just came from a meeting working on some big plans right now confidential obviously can’t really say much with a group of some pretty good people there’s not really much i can say yeah let’s go mill slider kind of heavy this is very heavy this is outrageous i’ve never seen a lineup like this before in my life okay so i hope that she actually allows me to put something over this that way i don’t have to write it i’ll write it out all over again when would it get the worst express probably about two dozen days or three perfect okay thank you so much awesome i just got to fill out uh this little express slip thing we’re good to go messed up already put this envelope in here thank you so much have a good day well we got those t4s and t4a sent off so everyone should be good for their taxes this year 2020 taxes make sure you do it after this we go back to the office a little bit more work we’ll do it again tomorrow


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